26 & 30.01.2012 / Concert & Film at APNews

 APNews (Asahi Picture News ) is an event Space at Zentrum Wipkingen 1st Floor

Tow of our boxes will be there during this event

and APNew will add their original donation box, wow!!


Öffnungszieten: 19h (20h concert and film start)

Röschibachstrasse 24, 8037 Zürich


26.01.2012 Concert

wadaiko (Japanese Dram) 和太鼓 by Katsunobu HIRAKI

omusubi (rice ball) Unterstützer Ramen Reataurant Ooki

and wagashi (Japanese style confectionary) Unterstützer Tomoyo san



30.01.2012 Film

The Yellow Handkerchief 幸福の黄色いハンカチ (1977)



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